1. The school time is from 9.45 am to 3.45 pm. Every student shall be on the school premises before the first bell. Those who come early are expected to sit in their class rooms and learn their lessons till the teacher comes to the class, No Student can leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the principal.
  2. When the teachers enter the class room or leave the clasas room the pupils should stand up and greet him / her and remain there till they are asked to sit.
  3. With in the School Campus, at all times, English should be used by the staff and students.
  4. Children should be very careful not to throw any papers, see etc on the floor, the premises or in the compound. The waste paper baskets should be used for that purpose.
  5. Playing in class rooms and on corridors is strictly prohibited.
  6. Pupils from one class are not allowed to enter other class rooms.
  7. When passing along corridors, during class hours, students shall keep silence, during class hours, students shall keep silence. No shouting or running or whistling is allowed in the class rooms. While going up and coming down the stair case, the rules “KEEP LEFT”.
  8. Any damage or loss of the school property or that of other students should be prepared by the respective students, who cause it.
  9. Home exercise shall be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the appointed time.
  10. Books, Magazines, newspapers, Notice etc. from outside should not be brought and circulated among the students without the permission of the Principal.
  11. After each period, till the arrival of the teacher the class leader should see that, order and silence are well maintained in the class. After three minutes, if the teacher does not yet arrive, the leader should inform the matter to the principal.
  12. No visitors are allowed to see the students during class hours.
  13. Students shall read news papers daily and note down the important news.